The Sensitivity Doctors

Stuck Energy Drains Our Exciting Light: Chakras, Energy Flow & Soul Balance

Episode Summary

Gina Cavalier, the Liberated Healer, joins Jeanne and explains everything you need to know about your chakras. How these energy centers work and how we can use it to balance our interaction with the world around us.

Episode Notes

Gina Cavalier, the Liberated Healer, joins Jeanne and explains everything you need to know about your chakras. How these energy centers work and how we can use it to balance our interaction with the world around us.

Key moments in the episode:

00:00 Introduction

00:45 Who is Gina Cavalier, the Liberated Healer?

04:45 What is a chakra?

08:35  What are the different types of chakras and what energy is each on related to?

08:45  The root chakra.

11:30  The sacral chakra.

13:45  Solar plexus chakra.

19:40  Heart chakra.

24:12  Throat chakra.

26:48  Third eye chakra.

31:52  Crown chakra.

32:47  How do we know we need to balance our chakras and how often should we be doing it?

34:55 What is "running your energy" and how do we do it?

37:40  How to reach Gina?

38:00 Conclusion

Links mentioned in the episode

Gina Cavlier: Website  |  The Liberated Healer Podcast  |  20 minute energy meditation  |  Chakra Chart | YouTube

Jeanne Retief: FIGGI Beauty Shop | My FIGGI Life Podcast | My FIGGI Life Blog | Instagram | Facebook













Episode Transcription

00:00:00.230] - Jeanne

Good morning, FIGGI goddess. Today we are talking about chakras. We're talking about energy centers, colors associated with them or not, and how they manifest in our life. If you practice yoga, you for sure have interacted with chakras before, or maybe you use them in your spiritual practice, or maybe you don't know that much about them and you're just curious. This episode is for you and you are going to love, love, love, love my guest, the Liberated Healer, Gina Cavalier. Stay tuned.


[00:00:34.720] - Intro

Welcome, goddess, to your sacred space. This is my FIGGI Life podcast, where we openly discuss life's wins and losses on our journeys to self discovery. This is your best life. This is your FIGGI Life. Now, here is your host, Jeanne.


[00:00:53.460] - Jeanne

The Liberated Healer was founded in late 2020 when she received clear indication from Spirit that it was time to create a safe place for those who were ready for limitless information about their energy and soul. To build a community of like minds who were in need of new tools to slow down the chatter of the outside world, to go inward with tools that really worked, and to give rise to a new way of thinking and communicating. She is the host of the Liberated Healer podcast, the founder of Liberated Healer Mind and Wellness. She developed the integrated healing therapy process. Thank you so much for joining this episode. I'm so excited to talk about our topic today.


[00:01:39.600] - Gina

Thank you for having me. I am a FIGGI girl all the way. You got me hooked on your lovely products. We did have a really great episode on the Liberated Healer podcast, and we went really deep. I learned so much about you and how you are champion for social justice as well. That's why I love about these podcast because it could seem like one area is where you're surrounded by it. But then you go deep and you see that it's been a lifelong journey to get to healing products. I just wanted to say hello to everybody. When you were describing me, I always giggle because I'm like, That sounds pretty good. It actually is a great description of what happened and why I got into it. I was in the entertainment and technology space for most of my life. I went in and out of suicidal ideation, even though everybody saw me as this light, bubbly girl, which I really am at my soul. But I always felt like I was outside of inclusion or that I didn't belong. T hat came from early childhood trauma. I was ready to check out at many times.


[00:02:46.770] - Gina

I finally said, No, I need to be here. I'm a spiritual being and I need to find healing. Everybody has their own journey on healing. One size does not fit all. I also say that it's a solo sport in a way. T hat's what the Liberated Healer is.


[00:03:04.060] - Jeanne

I took a long time to decide on doing this episode because I knew that if we were going to talk about chakras and what they are, and if you should be cleansing them and all of that, it leads us into a whole different conversation. And you will remember, FIGGI goddess, that I had published an episode for you and a blog post on just answering the general questions you have about my spiritual journey and where I see myself spiritually. And as with all things, you are always welcome here. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and whatever speaks to you is the message that we're trying to send or that you should receive. And I hope that's how you see this episode today as well. But it's also in terms of mind, body, wellness, because when we do a lot of yoga practices, we also focused a lot on our chakras. And it really does come into that as well. So I'm really excited to explore this spiritual soul journey with you today. And I'm so glad that we met because I think you're the perfect person to do it for the FIGGI audience. That is such a mixture of beautiful believers and fully spiritual beings to the belief of science and atheism.


[00:04:27.430] - Jeanne

So we're such a wonderful mix of individuals. And I just thought that you would be the perfect person to have this conversation with.


[00:04:36.030] - Gina

Oh, yeah. I'm very excited about that.


[00:04:38.620] - Jeanne

Look, let's jump into it. Let's start at the beginning. What is a Chakra?


[00:04:45.310] - Gina

Well, there are proven energy centers in the body that hold energy. A lot of people ask is this sometimes can I do this even along with my religion? And absolutely, it's more of connecting to the body. It's not really have anything to do with a belief system. It actually has a connection to the body and also the spirit, but not the belief of it. If you want to give a visual, I love to do the visual. When I was a kid, we used to have these balls with electricity and you put your hands on them and they go zzz, right? That's the energy that's in these little chakras. And in this energy, there could be blockages that we've created through traumas or stuck energy that dim that exciting light that helps your body move and grow and juxtapose. So when you just move the energy in many different ways, it will unleash some of that blockage. And the good thing about spirit is you tell your spirit what to do, and it just does it. When people hear that, they go, what? Yes. If you can visualize something saying, just imagine your feet on the ground, there's little feet chakras in the bottom of your feet.


[00:05:56.600] - Gina

Imagine that those little round circular pieces of energy open up and then they suck in the energy from the Earth underneath your feet and they cleanse your feet. That's exactly what it does. You can even say it out loud or in your mind, just pull up that Earth energy, feel it. That's the connection of the mind, body, spirit. Your mind is telling your feet because your mind is a super computer that's always going as we know. Of course, we can tell it things, and of course, it does things on its own all the time. T hat's where the thoughts go a little crazy. But the mind, if you tell your mind, hey, there's some energy down there that's going to help clear out the pain in my foot. Why don't we try bringing up this Earth energy and letting it circulate around our feet and that leg Chakra and let it go all the way up into the major Chakras in our body? Our chakras actually go about two feet below our feet and about two feet above our head. So it's the whole center line all the way up into the seventh Chakra, which is about inch above your head, that's the line.


[00:07:02.280] - Gina

And it also really aligns with the spine. The spine is literally our gateway to spirituality. It's down the top of the head and through the back channels all the way through the spine. That's how we move energy. There's so much spiritual energy in our spine. There's 33 vertebrae and all those nerves that are in our spine that's connected to the vagus nerve, which is our biggest nerve in our body. That's why the meditation really helps people with, say, anxiety because you're calming your vagus nerve, you're calming the mind, you're bringing in the spirit or the earth or cosmic energies into make you feel more connected to where you are because everything in the last even maybe 20 years is all a bit about disconnection.


[00:07:53.300] - Jeanne

That's what helped me a lot in my healing journey is one of the big things for me is I didn't know how to listen to my body, and I didn't know the signals that was sending me and I didn't know how to be still within myself. And understanding chakras and these energy centers really helped me to listen and feel when something isn't right, that feeling grows. You get more attuned to yourself and you get more comfortable with that. And for me, it has made a really, really big difference. Can you tell us maybe which chakras there are and what energy they're related to?


[00:08:39.120] - Gina

Well, there's a lot of people that are really very good at describing each one of them, and I can send you links about that and where they go into exact detail. But the main one that we usually start with is the root chakra, which is in the groin area. And that is the one that most people have the most amount of trouble with. A lot of trauma lives in our root chakra. If I'm doing a healing on someone, I'd say eight times out of the 10, the root chakra stuck. And so that's why I always start with the root chakra, because it's our fight or flight. If you see the scale of the chakras, it's that red one in the center of your groin, and it's red for a reason. It's got a lot of charge on it. That's where the sexual organs are. It's the center of our body. A lot of trauma comes from that, whether say you had children, you had any type of things in your childhood or life where that area was affected or abused or traumatically, any energy that could be stuck in there. Also the fight or flight, even all the being in debt, actually the root chakra could be there.


[00:09:46.520] - Gina

Yeah, because it's survival. Paying your bills is survival. Japan has a high suicide rate for people that are in debt. Every culture has their thing, social acceptance, things like that. But in Japan, debt is looked upon as something very negative. If you cannot pay your bills and they have a lot of suicides based on debt, and that's the root shocker where you're just stuck and you're feeling that it's the survival. F irst unlocking the root chakra through energy movement is.


[00:10:17.950] - Jeanne

Usually key. Is it okay then to say it's really the primal chakra? It's like where our survival base instinct or feeling of survival fight flight?


[00:10:28.330] - Gina

Yes. And you've heard of a lot of people will say, early, early, early on, that was the Chakra we would use. Like, oh, no, here comes the tiger. Run. So it's that adrenaline that motivates that whole system to say, you need to survive right now. But what happens is we activate that now through daily life, through an angry email, through a boss yelling at you, through a big fight with someone you love, someone leaving your life that you care about. All those things will trigger the root chakra. And because it's so center to all your organs, it just I believe that it causes a lot of anxiety. I mean, we have a more anxious society than ever right now. That's not our normal. We're not supposed to live in anxiety on a constant basis. So then your body is constantly fighting to get in balance. And either you'll lose weight or hold on to weight. It'll cause where you can't sleep and the stress hormones, it is just a vicious cycle where society is going through right now.


[00:11:26.510] - Jeanne

So number two, is that right?


[00:11:29.020] - Gina

The second one, which is right below your belly button is the sacral. I call this the ocean of emotions because it's...


[00:11:37.270] - Jeanne

That's awesome. That's a wonderful way to.


[00:11:39.530] - Gina

Say it. Because it's right where you go up and down with your feelings and this is where all the feelings are. And sometimes if you see, when I had this problem where I would hold weight right in that center, and it was weird, I realized it was part of my chakra energy holding on to bad feelings about past relationships. So when people say I'm upset, I have a stomach ache, and it's emotional, that's that energy. Sometimes they have a real stomach ache because they ate something or whatever. But that's the stress and I don't feel good. And they're holding their stomach when they're going through an emotional activity, and it stores in there. So releasing that sacral chakra, that helps release all the different stuck emotions.


[00:12:22.640] - Jeanne

What color will we associate with that.


[00:12:24.690] - Gina

Sacral chakra? We should put a little chart on there because...


[00:12:29.340] - Jeanne

Okay, I will.


[00:12:30.980] - Gina

I have something that people don't always do. People like to assign colors to things. But in actuality, when I do healings on somebody, their chakras look different. I think it's because in books when they're trying to educate about chakras, they don't want to confuse people. And a lot of people have adopted this red, blue, pink, da da da da. But in actuality, I mean, we're a running system. We really don't have a specific color. I don't think that that's super popular to talk about because people like, let's just get them into this. It's easier for make it easy for them. But in reality, when reality, you have every color running through it. It might have a primary color, say, red, but that's why it's hard for me to answer because we actually we're running system.


[00:13:16.100] - Jeanne

The one that you just discussed, the sacral chakra. I think that's the one that I tend to have the most issues with because it may be related to my past or my anxiety disorder, but I'm definitely I think I am the literal definition of an ocean of emotion.


[00:13:34.730] - Gina

It's up and down. It's up and down. That's great. The next one. What's our sacred and it's right above our diaphragm. It's the center of our being. So it's everything that we are. It holds us up. It's hold us straight. It's where our sovereignty is. Everybody on their... Especially when you're going on a Liberated Healer journey, sovereignty is the word, sovereignty. It's being able to hold and fulfill your own passion and destiny in life, regardless of your past and what has happened to you or what's going to happen to you and being strong in your story, holding that seniority and confidence. It's what we use to manifest different destiny and opening this up when, for example, if you are trying to find a new job or a new love relationship, you want to walk. You notice people when they're walking with confidence by you and they just got this swagger and their hair is just blowing perfectly for some reason. You're like, what do they have that's going on for them? I usually say that's called seniority. When you start to learn how to perfect your seniority, and I use this in business all the time.


[00:14:48.480] - Gina

I was in the entertainment field, very high level at studios like Warner Brothers, Disney and Netflix and things like that. I had to deal with very high level people with a lot of personality and a lot of egos. And I had to learn how to have my own seniority in my space. And what I found very interesting is when you own this part of your body, people notice and they don't even know what they're noticing. And a lot of times, even when I was at a lower level in a position at the studio, people would always turn to me and ask my opinion on stuff. They thought I was the vice president of the division. And it used to actually make my boss mad because she would say, Why does everybody keep asking you? I'm the boss. I was like, I'm so sorry. But it was energy because I held my own sovereignty. And I think that that really helps people right now to understand that, especially young people understanding that we need to own that. And so clearing that, holding that space. And I like to associate, if you do want to associate a color with this, I like to associate this with a yellow because yellow to me is personal power.


[00:15:59.390] - Gina

So if you're doing a meditation and you feel stuck there, or you feel like you don't have any sovereignty or seniority and you feel... And a lot of people feel like that, especially if they've been abused or there's past abuse, they like to go in the background and hide because they're scared. If you come forward with your sovereignty through your whole body and through this Chakra and surround it with yellow and do that right before a meeting, say if you have a meeting you're always afraid to get into because there's important people or you have to do a pitch or things, something like that, walking in with that and really start to say, Hey, did I feel different? Do people look at me differently? I used to almost do self tests. I would go in and I would say, I'm not going to work on myself before this meeting. And I would write down, Oh yeah, nobody noticed me. Nobody talked to me. The energy, people were fighting, it seemed like more chaos. I would actually ground myself and run my energy and do that work. And I would walk in and I would say, Wow, what a different meeting.


[00:16:58.390] - Gina

It's really interesting because our energy is, I guess, about 6 feet around in a bubble. So we're always sitting around and next to people. So almost like when we work on our energy, it's a drop into the ocean, almost. It ripples out. So when you are working, you're actively working on your energy in a positive way, bringing in light and positivity, you will affect the people around you. Even though healing is a solo sport, you're still helping the world around you when you heal yourself.


[00:17:29.340] - Jeanne

Obviously, this would also be where your assertiveness sits, learning to be assertive and putting in the right boundaries. This is definitely something that I've struggled a lot with in life. Again, going back to your past experiences. It's so interesting what you're saying about showing up with that energy because I have recently had a relapse in my panic disorder. I'm about three weeks into the healing process. One of the big reasons was because I had made a really, really bad business decision that I could not forgive myself for. And I knew, and my intuition was telling me that something is not right. But I was too scared to stand up for myself and say, Whoa, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is not how we're going to do it. After I had spent some time going through that experience and looking into that and realizing that, a lot of things have changed for me quite dramatically and drastically in a super short time.


[00:18:32.340] - Gina

Well, actually, right now, as you're talking about that, I'm feeling your heart Chakra tense up, which is the next Chakra we should get into. But I felt it because what I'm feeling for you is that you had a lot of heart in this situation, whatever it was regarding. So it also affected your heart is what I'm feeling. And what happens is that heart Chakra, right, is all love. And when it's open, it's just literally like what dreams are made of. And I love that movie with Robin. But it's that flowers everywhere. It's the blue sky. It's the animal spirits communicating with us. It's passion, the deepest level of love. And we are all really, that's our journey is to be more encased in love as possible. What I'm feeling for you, though, just because I'm just trying to help to explain even this a little bit is you felt like maybe you didn't love yourself, you didn't put yourself first in a way or something. But I think it also affected your heart Chakra because I'm feeling when you were talking about the story, that pain, something really pained you with the situation. I do associate green for me and a lot of people with the heart Chakra.


[00:19:42.730] - Gina

Green is so healing of a color. Green. So if you close your eyes and just imagine that your heart... The HeartMath Institute talks a lot about the heart. There's a lot of science for the last 30 years about the heart and it being as intelligent as your brain in different ways. And so now people have been talking about the whole journey with Eckart Tolle started with being present and then you have mindfulness and all this stuff. Now it's really switching over to the heart. Let the heart is what actually there's just so much science in this heart space and how it helps us live a better life working with our heart, feeling our heart, not just the front of our heart, not just the back of our heart, literally understanding that the connections inside of our heart is not just a moving organ to keep us life sustainable. You look at the HeartMath Institute, it's all free. But if you want to learn a lot about the heart, that would be the place to go. But I associate green with that. Especially if you have a broken heart, what happens is your heart, that shocker just closes down and you want to shut down that receiving of love because you don't want to get hurt again.


[00:21:00.260] - Gina

And so that's when people get stuck for a really long time. Say if they take years to heal from a relationship, that heart shocker is just closes. It is just turned into a stone. Opening that up will bring in love for the life purpose, love for your friends and neighbors, love the new love that comes in, love for a book you wrote or want to write, or things like that. So the heart Chakra, if you're feeling pain at all when we're talking about this, or if it starts to tense up, that means that you have a blockage there. So you can go to any meditation to lighten.


[00:21:36.780] - Jeanne

That up. We had a wonderful doctor on the podcast a couple of weeks ago, was talking to us about health issues women should be more aware of. And she said that actually the leading cause of death for women is cardiovascular disease. And I think it's because when you often say, I feel heavy, or my chest feels heavy, or my heart feels heavy, I think, especially women, we carry a lot in that space because we really do tend to lead with that space in many things. And it shows up. It's going to show up and manifest in.


[00:22:13.770] - Gina

Some way. It really feels like a dagger hits your heart sometimes. We just feel so deeply. We feel for the universe. We feel when we see the news. That's why the Liberated Healer is all about really healing your self first and then letting that emanate from you as you live your life. The more people do that, the more the collective gets stronger and heal together and recognizing that everybody is going through things and being kinder and letting go of the small things and realizing, do you want to put your energy to that or do you want to put your energy to that? And that's another thing of sovereignty is saying, Wow, I normally would have got really upset at that, but I'm working on calling in more positive things in my life, and that's not going to serve me well or nobody else. And having that dialog in your head, do I want to hold on to this? A lot of people like to hold on to that. I'm right, the conversation that's in their head. I've been talking a lot. I've been doing a lot of journaling about what is truth because people like to say, I just like the truth.


[00:23:16.330] - Gina

I am a truth seeker. I'm a truth, truth, truth. This word truth. And I always just say there's always three sides to a story. You're like, no, that is color purple. Okay, well, describe the color purple. T hey're like, Yeah, it changes. It's different. There is no. So letting go of what you would call the truth is such a great energy to let go of, especially if you're in a confrontation or fight with someone because they'll want to hold the bottom line onto something. No, I said it like this. Oh, you said it. You meant it's this thing. But if we can work with the energy of the situation we're trying to handle and look at people and recognizing it like that, it will help our daily life not be so confrontational. And it's holding on to those really strong ideations that don't move it forward.


[00:24:07.800] - Jeanne

That also, I think, leads us into the throat chapter. Is that right? Because that has a lot to do with communication, right? Absolutely. And how we.


[00:24:16.760] - Gina



[00:24:17.830] - Jeanne

What we want to say.


[00:24:19.850] - Gina

So sometimes when I do healings on people, I will literally see almost like an iron around their neck of energy. And it's maybe something that through their journey, whether it was a parent or a teacher, something that said, you're not allowed to talk about things like that. You're not allowed to say things like that. You're not allowed to stand up for yourself. So what happens is over time, they don't being people pleasers, they hold back, hold their tongue in a special, in a certain way because they don't want to get kicked out of the circle. They don't want to get chastised. They're afraid that their opinion might not be popular and they're going to get kicked out of the energetic club. So they hold that back, right? So that creates that stuck energy, especially a lot of females that they're told to do that, right? Or sometimes you are really vocal and the words can hold negative connot. So when you do meditation, you actually release that. You release what you hold back and maybe things that you said that you didn't mean that were mean, which we all have. We might say things that we don't mean when we're going through stuff.


[00:25:23.670] - Gina

So releasing all of that and forgiving yourself and forgiving them, too. This is a good place for forgiveness, just letting it all go and not holding on to anything you said or didn't say.


[00:25:34.710] - Jeanne

When I was first diagnosed with my panic disorder, I stopped eating completely for two or three weeks because my panic attacks came from feeling like I was choking or I couldn't breathe. I had this really irrational fear that if I ate, something is in my throat or that I'm going to choke. And it was really very traumatizing. But to feel that release, it's something that I really can't explain. It's like a lump is literally removed from your throat. You can just breathe again.


[00:26:15.040] - Gina

And that's why all these breathing techniques have just been so because that is the vessel of the in and out. So the chest and the throat area and that breathing. You know what? So many things about breathing now. Yes, we love it. Right. All kinds of amazing things, Womhoff coming out with the breathing and the ice baths. And that's why I love the times right now. There's just so many different healing modalities that people can search for. But breath and this area is definitely a key.


[00:26:45.940] - Intro



[00:26:46.540] - Jeanne

Next one. In my experience, this, for some reason, is the chakra that tends to freak people out the most. We're not all on the same journey. We don't all see things the same way. So what is it about and why do people get so freaked out about it?


[00:27:08.530] - Gina

Well, when you're moving energy, I like to remind people to actually move the energy all around their face and into the third eye, which is in the center of the head. So people go right to the third eye. I say move it all the way around. Imagine that energy that you're trying to move going around your ears and all the different complex systems in the ears and also removing anything that you've heard that upset you or hurt you, releasing that energy of those words and also going around the eyes and behind the eyeballs and actually releasing that energy through the things you've seen. We're on social media. There's all kinds of things, flashes that we get all day long, whether say you're an animal lover and you see all these abused animals and you want to help and donate and things like that. But those images staying with you and bringing you energetically down because you can't do something, or you see flashes of abuse, things like that. So releasing the energy first from all of our senses. Can you imagine how we are completely bombarded constantly with this imagery, especially the imagery is mostly in the head.


[00:28:16.910] - Gina

And humans are visual creatures. So there are studies on people who perceive information better through audio or through sensory. The majority of people process best through visualization. T hat's why movies and stories are so important to the humans, the humankind. We love story, we love visual. Taking a minute to letting that energy go all through your mind, all through your face as well, and all these different senses and letting go. And then you go into the center of the head. Now, the center of the head, they call it the third eye. And I think that's what maybe the name can throw people off, especially if they're not a big spiritual fan, if they're an atheist or something like that. But what it really is is because it's the center of the mind, it is definitely where a lot of our intuition... So we have two real big places of intuition. It's the third eye and our stomach. So if people are saying, Oh, I got a gut feeling about that person. That's the intuition that you were talking about. Oh, I should have known better, right? But also the third eye, I call it the center of your head because it's just easier to imagine.


[00:29:25.280] - Gina

And sometimes when I'm doing my meditation, I imagine me as a really small version of myself in the center of my head meditating. I pushed all the people out and I pushed all the energies out because we're constantly being bombarded by other people's thoughts and direction. Oh, you should have taken that deal. You should have done this. You should have done that. Why don't you go? Why don't you get married? Why did you have a baby? Why don't you do all these things? There's other people's thoughts, desires for you, judgments of you, criticisms of you stuck in your head. That's the part of releasing this energy just to get into you. What do I want? What is my feelings? That is your intuition. And so instead of using it as maybe a psychedelic mechanism that people like to refer to it as. And if you're doing your own healing, just seeing yourself in the center of your own head and really just pushing those people out, pushing those thoughts out if you want. If you know you're like, Wow, I have negative self talk constantly in my head, develop a relationship with that negative self of yours.


[00:30:30.270] - Gina

Even give it a name. Give it a name you don't like and say, Susie or whatever you want or the other Gina, go. I don't need that right now. I need to get through this part of my day. Good example because social media, somebody takes a picture and they tag you and you're horrified and then you're in a bad mood for hours and you're doing this self reflection and you're thinking everybody is going to look at that picture and see you as the same exact way your nose looked funny, really heavy or whatever. You spent hours thinking about that picture. I'm talking to a lot of the people today on social media that ruined your day. That's a choice. That's a negative self talk. You have to let that go because it's already up there or whatever. Or you can ask the person to take it down. But what I'm saying is it's better to work on the practice of releasing that. And that's where you release those things. That's where the self love comes in. That's where the self positive conversation comes in. No, I'm not going to go there today. I'm going to be my own best friend.


[00:31:29.240] - Gina

I'm not going to tell myself I'm bad again. You have to love yourself so much. And that the mind, that computer is so dangerous sometimes.


[00:31:45.250] - Jeanne

Should we be clearing our chakras and how often should we be doing it?


[00:31:51.420] - Gina

Well, the last one I really want to highlight is the seventh, which is actually it all the other ones are in the center of your body. I would call it about the size of a quarter and they're round and they have a front and a back and a middle as well. But on the very top, it switches. It goes flat like a little Pancake above your head. And that is where you get energy and spiritual connection. Or when you're calling back energy into your body or you're calling just new energy in, it will come into that seventh chakra and actually come in and touch the top of your head and zoom down your systems, but definitely through the spine. So I didn't want to leave out the seventh chakra because that is where we call in all our new energy or call back our energy from people to bring in new energy. And what was your question before I went?


[00:32:40.390] - Jeanne

Thank you so much for telling us about the last.


[00:32:42.790] - Gina

Chakra because the.


[00:32:43.900] - Jeanne

Last main one, we forgot it. How do we know we need to balance our chakras and how often should we do it?


[00:32:52.010] - Gina

I have trauma from sleeping and waking up, so I always wake up a little bit anxious. You have to just really have a journal and know and really work with yourself. And I realized, oh, wow, I always wake up with a little bit of anxiety, and it's from childhood. The first thing I do is I start running my energy. I have on my website and through all my podcast, different meditation techniques. I call it grounding, where you ground yourself so you feel connected. And that grounding really makes you feel like you're not flying all over the place in one spot. To me, a lot of anxiety is because we're not feeling safe. For me, it was feeling safe. And so I start to run my energy the first thing in the morning. It's a good practice to do it at least a couple of times a day. I probably do it about three times a day. A lot of people might not even know I'm doing it all. Might even be in a meeting doing it, or in my car. And that's what's so awesome about where we are today in these techniques because it used to be this, you have to go to this meditation class and you have to sit quiet and you have to have the perfect music and you have to know you could be stuck in traffic for an hour and grounding, calling a new energy to you, calling back your energy from people and projects and all kinds of different things.


[00:34:05.410] - Gina

And then you were stuck in the car. So you can put on all kinds of positive music, go on your Spotify and download meditation. Don't fall asleep. But I'm just saying that's the Liberated Healer philosophy is like, Wow, I always get anxious or even recognizing I'm allowed to have one cup of coffee. If I have two, I get crazy. So it's different for everybody. If you have to go into a meeting, you want to be more grounded. If you have a big presentation, you have to talk with your kids and you're a little bit nervous. Anytime that you're feeling like you need some support and you want to be... Especially if you want to communicate something really important to someone or something. I grounded before we started talking because I wanted to be able to have my thoughts together, feel connected. Anytime that's important to you, run your energy.


[00:34:54.350] - Jeanne

When you say run your energy, can you explain to us what that would look like?


[00:34:59.350] - Gina

Yes. Well, we can link, I have a 20 minute meditation I can link that's already on my YouTube channel, Deliberated Healer, and we can link that below. You really should know the process and then you can do it wherever. But the grounding is creating a grounding cord off your hips and sending that into the center of the Earth, really connecting you to the Earth. And that would be your release mechanism to release anything that's not serving you, anything that you might have picked up, any low level energy, any anxiety, anything that you would label as not good for you. That's the first thing you always do. When I say running your energy, that would be calling up the Earth energy into your feet in the lower half of your body to begin. And then we call in the cosmic energy into that seventh chakra we talked about, which is I like to refer to it as it looks like a big rainbow of fluffy energy. And it's all those vibrant colors. Now, when you do energy work, you should always think of the brightest bright of the color. So the brightest pinks, oranges, yellows, purples.


[00:36:05.320] - Gina

It's not muted. This isn't the muted Easter egg colors. No, this is vibrant, like the Borealis lights that dance in the sky, those heavy greens. When I say green, calling that green. Bring that all in. Bring that all into that seventh chakra like we talked about and down the spine and let it meet that Earth energy. And then combine that and let it run from your body. And then the last step, I always make sure you do, imagine just this bright, golden sunlight behind your head and it's growing and just call back your life force energy or call back your energy. And this could be, say, if you're overthinking or obsessing about something, call it back, Sam. Calling back that energy because actually energy, and this is Einstein and a lot of philosophers, there's no more energy to be created. There's just energy. If you've given away all your energy and siphed it off to 200, 300 people, you need that energy back to manifest things that you want in your life or to heal yourself, especially if you have an illness. You need all that energy back and you can look this up. They say that there's no more energy.


[00:37:14.000] - Gina

You're not creating new energy, you're moving it and you're calling it back. So when you do that, I call back for energy people I love, like my mom that gave a lot of energy to or something because I use it to heal, but then I need to call it back. So that's running your energy and there's a lot of and that could be breath work.


[00:37:30.570] - Jeanne

That's beautiful. Thank you so much. If our listeners would like to work with you or reach out with you or get hold of your meditations, where can they go?

[00:37:40.460] - Gina

The The most of everything is on YouTube at The Liberated Healer. I also have a podcast that's in all the audio channels, Liberated Healer podcast, Spotify. I have about 150 episodes all about mind, body, wellness. I appreciate and sending love to every single person listening today and thank you for your time. I hope that this helps you in the smallest of ways.


[00:38:07.500] - Jeanne

Thank you so much. I will link everything you need in the episode description below just in case you were driving. Thank you so much for being on the podcast. As always, FIGGI Goddess, remember that everybody deserves to celebrate the goddess within. So until I speak to you again next time, goodbye.


[00:38:27.550] - Intro

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